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Fun all summer long with free and low-cost activities for kids

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Latest news

May 19, 2023

Have a splashing good time across the Vale this summer

Preparations are ramping up as the splash pads in the Vale are being prepared to be switched on for the summer. The splash pads in Memorial Park in Wantage and Abbey Meadow in Abingdon are both managed by Vale of White Horse District Council. This year will be the first full summer season that the […]

May 4, 2023

Local Elections 2023 – the results

Thank you to everyone who voted in the 2023 local elections. For all the the results, please head to our Vale of White Horse Local Election page.

May 3, 2023

#NoMowMay: Councils support biodiversity during No Mow May and beyond

Councils across Oxfordshire will be supporting No Mow May by allowing grass verges to grow long in May and beyond – in order to prioritise and promote biodiversity across the county.

April 18, 2023

Are you ID ready for the local elections? Check now before it’s too late

If you intend to vote at a polling station on 4 May, check now that you have valid photo ID

a graphic showing a high street scene

April 11, 2023

Have you moved house or recently turned 18? Check that you are registered to vote

The deadline to register to vote for the 2023 local elections is Monday 17 April.

April 4, 2023

Electric car club pilot scheme puts hire vehicles in car parks across Oxfordshire

Issued on behalf of Oxfordshire County Council Launch believed to be UK’s biggest countywide EV car club rollout Read the story on the Oxfordshire County Council website or below: An Oxfordshire wide car sharing pilot scheme is this month making 14 new electric vehicles (EVs) available for people to hire on an hourly or daily […]

A child holding a paintbrush in one hand and a flowerpot in the other

March 24, 2023

Activities over Easter will have children hopping for joy

This Easter the holidays are going to be jam-packed full of activities for children in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse. There’s something for everyone whether your child loves being outdoors, is interested in theatre or likes to get stuck into a bit of craft. South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District […]

March 20, 2023

Get election ready – check your voter registration and ID before it’s too late

Voting at a polling station on 4 May? You must bring valid photo ID with you. No ID? apply now for free voter ID.

March 17, 2023

Council’s decision to reject Grove development backed by government

The national Planning Inspectorate has found Vale of White Horse District Council was correct to refuse a planning application for 300 new houses near Grove and has dismissed an appeal to overturn its decision. The application from David Wilson Homes, which proposed up to 300 dwellings on land east of Grove, was refused by the […]

March 17, 2023

Councils challenge Oxford City’s plan for high housing numbers

South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse district councils have both responded firmly to Oxford City Council’s consultation that appears to be attempting to exceed the city’s remit and force more development across Oxfordshire’s rural countryside.