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Online payments

The council’s secure online payment system is available 24 hours a day.

You’ll be taken to a secure website, where you’ll be asked for your credit or debit card details. To make sure it goes smoothly, the system checks your account details before your payment is completed.

Reference number you will need to make your payment (this will change depending on what you are paying).

You can pay the following council services online

Please note, these links may take you to a payment form on our old-style website. This will look a little different to this site, but it’s still an up to date and secure payment form.

Click here to pay your council tax – IMPORTANT: your reference number is the nine digit reference as displayed on your council tax bill

Click here to pay business rates – IMPORTANT: your reference number is the eight digit reference as displayed on your business rates bill

Click here to pay parking fines Penalty Charge Notice – IMPORTANT: your reference number is the ten character reference starting VJ on your parking fine

Click here to pay planning applications – IMPORTANT: your reference is the Planning Application Reference (e.g. P16/V1234/HH).

Housing Benefit Overpayments – IMPORTANT: your reference number is the eight digit reference beginning with a 3 as displayed on your housing benefit overpayment invoice

Temporary rents and hostel accommodation – IMPORTANT: your reference number is the nine digit reference beginning with a 0

Click here to pay a Fixed Penalty Notice – IMPORTANT: your reference number is the six digit reference beginning with a 6 that is displayed on the fixed penalty notice

All other council invoices – IMPORTANT: your reference number is the six or eight digit number on your invoice 

Please note: The payments system is not compatible with older web browsers that use SSLv2 or lower encryption.  If your web browser is using SSLv2 or lower please upgrade your browser to a new version.

Alternatively you may wish to use your own bank’s internet or telephone banking system.  All payments should quote your invoice or account number and the following details:

Council Tax – Barclays Bank account number 93835391, Sort Code 20-01-25 and your Council Tax account number
Business rates – Barclays Bank account number 33510492, Sort Code 20-01-25 and your business rates account number
Other council invoices – Barclays Bank account number 83001202, Sort Code 20-01-25 and your invoice number.
Temporary Rents and Hostel Accommodation – Barclays Bank account number 13960196, Sort Code 20-01-25 and your temporary rents and hostel accommodation reference number.

You also need to quote the correct council reference (depending on what you are paying) detailed above.  If you are paying for more than one account or property, please make separate payments for each individual account/property.   Failure to quote the correct reference or to make separate payments for individual accounts could lead to delays in allocating the payment once it has been received and may result in recovery documents being issued. 

Cash or cheques

Cash, cheque or postal order

Your Council Tax or Business Rates can be paid by cash, cheque or postal order free of charge at any branch of the Post Office.


Are you wasting time or money on any of the following?

  • Drawing money out of your bank or building society
  • Writing out cheques
  • Obtaining postal orders from the Post Office
  • Travelling to and queuing up at the bank or Post Office
  • Paying for envelopes and postage
  • Worrying about whether your payment has been received

If the answer to any of these is YES, have you thought about switching to direct debit?

Direct Debit

The most cost and time effective way to pay is by Direct Debit. Instalments are taken from your bank or building society account on the 1st of each month. If you already pay by Direct Debit this will be shown on the front of the bill and your payments will continue to be taken from your bank or building society account.

  • Switch to direct debit online – please note, this link will take you to a payment form on our old-style website. It will look a little different to this site, but it’s still an up to date and secure payment form.
  • Or contact the Council Tax Section by calling 0345 302 2315 to set up your direct debit over the phone
  • Or fill in and return the direct debit instruction attached to your Council Tax or business rates bill. 

You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by writing to your bank or building society. If you do this, please also send a copy of the letter to us.

Benefits of using Direct Debit

With Direct Debit you have no worries about carrying cash, writing cheques or sorting out paperwork and postage. You also won’t have to queue to pay, as your bank or building society will do all the work for you.

Taking the paperwork out of payment allows the council’s staff more time to give you individual attention. If a payment is not received, we will write and tell you instead of sending out reminders. If we need to adjust your payments, we will send you a bill well in advance. As well as being more convenient for you, a Direct Debit reduces the demand for valuable natural resources (by reducing the need to produce payment vouchers) and therefore benefits everyone.

Make the switch to Direct Debit and help us to help you.

The Direct Debit Guarantee

This Guarantee is given by all banks and building societies that take part in the Direct Debit Scheme. The efficiency and security of the scheme is monitored and protected by your own bank or building society.

If the amounts to be paid or the payment dates change, you will be told about this at least 14 days in advance.

In the unlikely event that an error is made either by the council or your bank or building society, you are guaranteed a full and immediate refund.