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June 8, 2020

Cycling champions joint letter to Oxfordshire County Council

Released on May 7, 2020 Cllr Sam Casey-Rerhaye and Cllr Eric de la Harpe, our South and Vale cycling champions, have written a joint letter with other district councillors, to Oxfordshire County Council to ask their Highways Cabinet to look at how they could introduce temporary measures that increase space for pedestrians and cyclists during […]

June 8, 2020

Four important messages ahead of this Bank Holiday weekend

Released on May 6, 2020 Help is available Friday’s waste collections moved to Saturday Stay at home – get gardening VE day celebrations at home   Help is available  Our support service for people who need urgent help as a result of current government guidelines will be running over the weekend.  Our support line is open […]

June 8, 2020

Oxfordshire businesses urged to submit grant requests

Released on April 26, 2020 Businesses across Oxfordshire that are yet to submit their details for grant support in response to COVID-19 should do so as soon as possible, including those who already receive 100 per cent rate relief. Cherwell District Council, Oxford City Council, South Oxfordshire District Council, Vale of White Horse District Council […]

June 8, 2020

Council garden waste service welcomes new customers

Released on April 24, 2020 There’s good news for people in southern Oxfordshire looking for ways to dispose safely of their garden waste. South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils have reopened their paid-for garden waste service to new customers. The service has continued throughout the lockdown for existing subscribers and for a […]

June 8, 2020

Oxfordshire councils update Government on financial impacts of coronavirus

Released on April 22, 2020 The leaders of all six Oxfordshire councils have written a joint letter to Government and the county’s MPs setting out the scale of the financial impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation across the local authorities. Looking across the costs of delivering additional services, spend on emergency suppliers and the significant […]

June 8, 2020

Businesses in South and Vale urged to submit COVID-19 grant requests

Released on April 20, 2020 Businesses in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse that are yet to submit their details for grant support in response to COVID-19 are being urged to do so as soon as possible. More than 65 per cent of businesses based in southern Oxfordshire have already submitted their details […]

June 8, 2020

Councils collect bulky household waste again and warn against fly-tipping

Released on April 20, 2020 South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils have reopened their paid-for bulky waste collection service for large household items and are also issuing a warning about fly-tipping while other outlets for domestic waste remain closed. The bulky waste collection service was temporarily stopped to allow the councils’ waste […]

June 8, 2020

Cllr Emily Smith, Leader of Vale of White Horse District Council writes to Secretary of State regarding planning concerns in the Vale

Released on April 14, 2020 On Tuesday 14 April 2020 Cllr Emily Smith wrote to the Secretary of State regarding planning committee concerns. The letter is printed below.  Update: The Government responded to Cllr Smith on 22 April. Please find their response attached as a document to this page. Dear Minister, I write to raise […]

June 8, 2020

Three important messages for the bank holiday weekend

Released on April 9, 2020 South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils have three very important messages for residents this bank holiday weekend: There’s help if you need it – our support lines are open Check the changes to waste collections between 10 and 17 April Stay home. Protect the NHS. Save Lives. […]

June 8, 2020

Cornerstone and The Beacon are here for you #AtHome

Released on April 9, 2020 Arts and entertainment in South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse have gone online! If you’re struggling to keep the kids entertained, or you’re fed up with endlessly scrolling through uninspiring choices on video streaming services, Cornerstone Arts Centre and The Beacon are here to help. South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse district councils’ […]