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Latest news

photo of Faringdon swimming pool

November 6, 2023

Over £440,000 awarded to support swimming pools in South and Vale

Swimming pools across South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse have been awarded a total of £441,542. The award will help ensure residents continue to have access to good swimming facilities across the two districts. Recent research has shown swimming positively contributes to physical and mental wellbeing, to individual and community development, and helps to […]

November 2, 2023

Over £82,000 awarded to expand youth activities 

Children across Wantage, Grove and nearby neighbourhoods will soon have more exciting youth activities on offer, thanks to a funding boost for Sweatbox Community Youth Services.  Sweatbox is set to receive £82,166 from Vale of White Horse District Council to expand their weekly youth activities, which include sports, arts and more.  Specifically, the funds will […]

White Horse Hill

October 27, 2023

Funding boost available for rural businesses and organisations

A new grant scheme has launched for rural businesses and organisations based in South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse. The fund is designed to support capital projects for small businesses and community infrastructure that help to improve productivity and strengthen the rural economy and rural communities. Interested parties are encouraged to submit their application […]

October 26, 2023

Affordable housing grant to help address urgent need

More affordable, energy efficient homes will be built in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse thanks to a new improved grant process. As part of the district councils’ work to help meet the urgent need for genuinely affordable housing in the region, local developers, Community Land Trusts and self-builders can apply for a […]

October 24, 2023

New grant to help people stay warm and fed this winter 

A new food and warmth grant will help support people in our communities this winter who may otherwise struggle to afford essential things.   Access to nutritious food and warm homes are basic necessities – but the ongoing impact of the pandemic on people’s finances, health and wellbeing has been further heightened by the cost-of-living […]

October 23, 2023

Brown bin subscribers can leave out extra garden waste

Residents who are subscribed to the district council brown bin garden waste service in South Oxfordshire or the Vale of White Horse can have extra garden waste collected for free, on their normal collection day only, between 30 October and 10 November. Householders will be able to put out a maximum of up to four additional […]

October 23, 2023

Vale of White Horse welcomes A34 Lodge Hill scheme funding announcement

Vale of White Horse District Council has welcomed the news today that Oxfordshire County Council’s A34 Lodge Hill Interchange scheme has been awarded £17.33 million of government funding from Homes England’s Brownfield, Infrastructure and Land (BIL) fund. The Lodge Hill junction, located between Abingdon and Oxford, currently only has north-facing slips. The proposed scheme will offer […]

image of White Horse District Council logo

October 16, 2023

Councils support staff with pledge for the Real Living Wage

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils have pledged their ongoing commitment for paying staff at least the Real Living Wage. Both councils currently ensure all directly employed council staff receive at least the Real Living Wage and have done for several years. The Real Living Wage (currently £10.90 with an update due […]

image of White Horse District Council logo

October 16, 2023

Leader’s statement – 11 October 2023

Cllr Bethia Thomas, Leader of Vale of White Horse District Council, delivered her Leader’s statement to Council at the meeting on Wednesday 11 October 2023. Tonight I am here as leader of our council to report on progress in our district since we last met; I know that in my position it is easy to […]

October 16, 2023

More than £56,000 given away for climate action projects

Buying water butts for Watchfield residents, restoring neglected woodland in Hinksey and insulating Littleworth Village Hall are just a few of the projects offered financial support by Vale of White Horse District Council through its Climate Action Fund this month.