£150,000 allocated to help develop Dalton Barracks Garden Village
Vale of White Horse District Council has accepted £150,000 of government money to help transform Dalton Barracks into a new garden village, once it’s been decommissioned.
The council is now looking at how the capacity funding can be used in the most effective way towards turning the area, which is allocated as a development site in the Vale’s Local Plan, into a desirable garden village.
The team working on Dalton Barracks Garden Village will start to prepare guidance plans that include garden village principles, such as green spaces for a variety of uses, excellent community facilities, high-quality home designs and a well-connected network of walking, cycling and public transport routes to Abingdon and Oxford.
One of the main requirements of garden village status is to put healthy places and vibrant new communities at the forefront – so plans will include large open spaces and parkland for residents to use and enjoy, and areas for new community facilities, shops, businesses and services.
The team will arrange to meet the surrounding community and parish councils to make sure their views are considered at an early stage and to make sure nearby neighbourhood plans are respected in any new plans.
Feasibility studies will begin to develop ideas on how the village will find ways to tackle climate change by using sustainable materials, introducing renewable energy projects and including biodiversity within its plans.
Cllr Bethia Thomas, Cabinet Member for Development and Regeneration, said, “This is an exciting first stage to transform an old military base into a top-notch garden village. The funding helps us to start building a sustainable plan for future generations and we look forward to listening to residents, community groups and neighbouring parish councils on their views throughout the development process.”
Cllr Catherine Webber, Cabinet Member for Planning and district councillor for Marcham, said, “Dalton Barracks in an important strategic site for us and one that must reflect nearby local neighbourhood plans. As part of our aim to become a carbon neutral district by 2045 at the latest, we will start to look at how we can plan for well-designed eco-friendly homes throughout the garden village.”