Businesses can now apply for lockdown support grants in South and Vale
Businesses in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse that have been temporarily forced to close and for those that have been severely impacted by the latest national lockdown may apply for new support grant funding. These grants are worth up to £3,000 per month.
South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils are administering two grant schemes in the districts, using funding secured from central government.
1. Local Restrictions Support Grant (for businesses required to close)
This scheme is for businesses that pay rates and who have been required to close due to the national lockdown. This grant is also available to businesses that have closed their main operations, but who are currently offering take-away or click and collect services.
This scheme will provide fixed grant amounts as follows:
- £1,334 per four weeks for businesses with a rateable value up to and including £15,000;
- £2,000 per four weeks for businesses with a rateable value of between £15,001 and £50,999;
- £3,000 per four weeks for businesses with a rateable value of £51,000 and over.
Businesses with more than one qualifying property may receive more than one grant.
For more details and to apply please visit the relevant website:
southoxon.gov.uk/LRSG / whitehorsedc.gov.uk/LRSG
2. Additional Restrictions Grant
The Additional Restrictions Grant is in place to support businesses that aren’t eligible for the Local Restrictions Grant, including those that haven’t been temporarily forced to close, but have been severely impacted by the current restrictions and those that do not pay any business rates.
This is a discretionary fund, initially covering the latest national lockdown period, with £2,000 available to support individual businesses.
With £2.5million available in the Vale and £2.5million in South Oxfordshire, businesses are urged to submit their applications as quickly as possible to ensure they meet the deadline.
In South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse, this scheme is available to all business that aren’t eligible for the Local Restrictions Grant and which:
- Do not have a rateable value (e.g. market stall traders and those involved in events and the arts) and have had to temporarily close as a direct result of the lockdown.
- Have not had to temporarily close, but have still been severely impacted as a direct result of the lockdown.
Businesses in need of financial support who didn’t receive a grant during the initial national lockdown are strongly encouraged to apply for this new grant as soon as possible.
The deadline to apply for an Additional Restrictions Grant is midday on Friday 4 December.
Eligible businesses which did not receive a grant during the first lockdown and will have their applications processed first, with funding issued to them as quickly as possible after we receive their application.
Once applications close on 4 December, the councils will then begin to process applications on a first come first served basis from businesses that previously received a grant.
Wider support for businesses
For more information about the wider financial support available to businesses and how to apply, please visit our Economic Development and Business Support area.
Cllr Leigh Rawlins, Cabinet member for Finance at South Oxfordshire District Council, said: “Following the latest national lockdown, businesses across South Oxfordshire have been again been severely impacted with many forced to close temporarily. We will do all we can to ensure that we process applications from eligible businesses as quickly as possible to assist those who are struggling financially. If you are a business that has been forced to close, or you been severely impacted by the latest restrictions, please visit our website and apply for a grant as soon as possible.”
Cllr Bethia Thomas, Cabinet Member for Community Engagement at Vale of White Horse District Council, said: “We know that this is a very challenging time, particularly for pubs, restaurants and independent shops, and so I’m sure these grants will provide a small but welcome boost for many people. If you are not sure about the support that’s available, I urge you to visit our business support website svbs.co.uk which has lots of advice and information on the various schemes and support that are available, both nationally and locally.”