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A statement from South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils

Released on March 16, 2020

Following government and Public Health England advice on the risks to people over the age of 70 and with underlying health conditions, as well as following good practice for reducing the amount of unnecessary contact between individuals, we have taken the decision to cancel some events as follows:

  •  Community-based leisure events and activities at our arts centres involving older and vulnerable people
  •   All formal council meetings until the end of March have been postponed – we will review the plan for meetings scheduled after the end of the month in due course, and will consider the latest government’s advice at the time.

Staff who are already able to work from home without affecting how we provide our services to the public have been asked to do so. This offers flexibility to our staff and means we are able to keep providing our important public services to residents and helps lower the risk of the virus affecting the councils. It also helps us test how well we can cope with situations like this in the future, and learn about and increase our ability to allow staff to work from home effectively.

Otherwise, we are operating normally. If you do need to find out information about the council, make a payment or apply for something we provide, you can do so using all the usual methods – the best way to do so is by visiting our websites.  We’re keeping a page on our websites up to date with the latest information.