Aldermen and Alderwomen
The title of Alderman or Alderwoman is an honorary title which can be awarded to distinguished former councillors in recognition of the service they provided to the council and the district.
In order for the council to confer the Alderman or Alderwoman title, at least two-thirds of the current serving councillors must vote to pass a resolution at a specially arranged meeting.
At present, the Vale has two Alderwomen and three Aldermen, all of which are former district councillors. Our Alderwomen are Briony Newport, who was given the title in 2007, and Joyce Hutchinson, who received the honour in 2011.

Our Aldermen are Jerry Patterson, Jim Halliday and Reg Waite who were given the title in June 2022.
Here’s a photograph of the Aldermen with Cllr Margaret Crick, Chair of the Council with Alderwoman Joyce Hutchinson taken at the ceremony.

If someone is honoured with the title they can attend and take part in civic ceremonies, but do not have the right to represent the council at official council meetings or receive any allowances.
Contact us - Democratic services
01235 422520
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)
Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE