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Selling to the council – what we need from you as a supplier

We are looking to procure goods, services and works that:

  • provide best value –  while meeting agreed needs for cost and quality
  • are carried out in an environmentally, economically and socially responsible manner in line with our Corporate Plan (see below)
  • ensure all financial commitments and expenditure are managed and controlled in  a consistent and effective manner and are conducted in a fair, objective and transparent process
  • ensure sustainable procurement achieves value for money on a whole life basis in terms of generating benefit not only to the  councils but also to the local community and the economy
  • minimise damage to the local environment
  • reduce carbon emissions 
  • ensure ethical procurement by respecting fundamental international standards against criminal conduct (i.e. bribery, corruption and fraud) and human rights abuse (i.e. slavery in modern times) and responding immediately where they are identified
  • contribute to improvement to the lives of people involved in supply chains and people that are impacted by decisions made by supply chains
  • will support the council’s delivery of its Climate Action Plan and the council’s commitment to becoming carbon neutral within its own operations by 2030

How to fit in with our corporate plans

This procurement strategy shows how procurement will support the councils’ corporate plans,  priorities and strategic themes for the next five years.

Priorities and Strategic Themes of the council

  • Providing the homes people need
  • Tackling the climate emergency
  • Building healthy communities
  • Building stable finances
  • Working in an open and inclusive way
  • Working in partnership

Contact us - Procurement

01235 422492
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE