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Who we are

We work with South Oxfordshire District Council to provide cost-effective services for our residents. We employ around 450 people, some of whom are based at our offices at Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE. The vast majority of council staff have hybrid working arrangements meaning they can work from home or other remote locations, or in the office. 

There are 38 elected councillors. You can read more about your councillors and how they make decisions on how the council is run in our Local Democracy webpages.

There’s more information about the Leader of our council on our Leaders page.

Each year, our Council Leader appoints a Chair of the Council – this is a non-political role that involves chairing meetings and representing the council at community events. You can find more information on our Chair’s page.

The council also has Aldermen, an honorary title which can awarded to distinguished former councillors in recognition of the service they provided to the council and the district. There’s more about our Aldermen on our website.

The council’s Chief Executive is Mark Stone (also Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer).

The council’s Deputy Chief Executives are:

  • Andrew Down – Partnerships and 5 Councils Partnership Commercial Director
  • Adrianna Partridge – Transformation and Operations (also Designated Safeguarding Lead and Data Protection Officer)
  • Suzanne Malcolm – Place


Our services are divided into the following areas:

Development and Corporate Landlord

Head of department: Andrew Busby

Housing and Environment

Head of department – Paul Fielding


Head of department – Adrian Duffield

  • Prepares and consults on statutory plans for land use and development in the district
  • Gives expert advice to developers and the public
  • Scrutinises and determines planning applications
  • Investigates contraventions of planning approvals and rules and takes appropriate action
  • Conservation area appraisals, Listed buildings and Tree Preservation orders
  • Transport infrastructure
  • Footpaths

Corporate services

Head of department: Mark Minion


Head of department: Simon Hewings (also Section 151 Officer)

Legal and democratic

Interim Head of Department: Vivien Williams


Head of Service Phil Barker

Policy and Programmes

Head of department: Tim Oruye


Head of department: Andrew Down

Monitoring Officer

The council’s interim Monitoring Officer is Vivien Williams.

Chief Executive

If you have a matter that cannot be dealt with by the relevant team or Head of Department, or you feel you need to escalate it to our Chief Executive Mark Stone, you can do so by emailing or by calling 01235 422100.

Senior Management organisational structure

Under the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 we are required to publish the top 3 levels of management structure and salary grade. View our senior management organisational structure here


To see job opportunities at the council please see our current vacancies page.

Trade Union facility time

We are required to publish this data on the amount and spend of facility time in respect of staff who are Trade Union representatives.


Vale of White Horse District Council’s constitution document sets out how the council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.  Some of these processes are required by the law, while others are a matter for the council to choose.

Where you live

To find out more about Vale of the White Horse and where you live, you can click on the information about your area section of our home page or for more detail about the district you can head to our where I live page