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Extended benefit payment

If you start a new job, become self-employed, or increase your working hours then, under certain circumstances, you may be able to continue to receive Housing Benefit for up to four more weeks.

You qualify for extended benefit payments if:

  • you or your partner start employment, or increase the hours you work; and
  • this change in working hours is expected to last five weeks or more; and
  • you are under pension age; and
  • still liable to pay rent; and
  • immediately prior to this change, you or your partner continuously received Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Income Related Employment and/or Support Allowance/Severe Disability Allowance for at least 26 weeks and this benefit(s) has now stopped.

You will continue to receive payments as normal, however you must report any change in your circumstances within a month.

Claiming when the period of extended payment is due to end or has finished

If you are on low income, you may still be entitled to claim Housing Benefit however, but you will need to provide details of your income and capital.

Don’t wait for the extended benefit period to finish. It is important to let us know quickly of any changes to your household, income etc – once we receive your evidence we can assess your entitlement again.