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Housing benefit on two homes

Occasionally you may need to pay rent on two properties at the same time – for example, when you are moving home.

If you already receive Housing Benefit, in some special circumstances, you could receive benefit on two homes.

We can consider paying benefit on two homes in the following circumstances:

If you or a family member are disabled and you are waiting for your home to be adapted.

We may be able to pay benefit on two rented homes for up to a maximum of 52 weeks if you have left your original home:

  • through fear of violence in your home; or
  • through fear of violence outside your home by a former member of your family, for example an ex-partner or adult child.
  • you must have an intention to return to it and we must consider it reasonable to pay benefit on both properties.

If you are a large family and you are housed in two separate properties because of the size of your family. We will treat you as occupying both properties as your home and we will pay benefit on both. Both homes must have been provided, but not necessarily owned, by the council. There is no time limit on the payments.

If you have an unavoidable overlap while moving home. We can pay benefits up to four weeks on both homes if:

If you do not move into your new home straight away because you are waiting for it to be adapted to meet to meet the needs of a family member who is disabled, as long as the delay is reasonable; or

If you move into your new home before the period of notice on your old home has ended and this was unavoidable.

Benefit on two homes can sometimes be paid to students, where the student is in a relationship and needs to rent a property where they study as well as the normal home.

Information we need

  • Evidence of the date your liability to pay rent at your old property ended.
  • Confirmation of the date you gave your landlord notice that you were leaving the property.
  • The date you actually moved out. If you moved out prior to your notice period ending, please give reasons for this.
  • Whether the property has been re-let and if so from which date.
  • If your move was delayed due to the new property being adapted for your needs, we will need evidence of this.
  • Any relevant police incident reports and crime numbers.

We also need the following information in respect of your new tenancy:

  • Evidence of the date the new tenancy was offered to you. You should have received an offer letter which you can provide to us.
  • Evidence of the date that you accepted the tenancy. A copy of your new tenancy agreement will show this.
  • Confirmation of the date you actually moved in to this address (if you used a removal firm or hired a vehicle, a receipt may show the date of move).
  • The reasons for the move and when you decided you were definitely leaving your previous property.

Contact us - Benefits

0345 302 2315
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
PO Box 880