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CIL procedure and forms

We strongly recommend you read our Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) FAQ leaflet to help guide you through the CIL process.

Here’s a summary of our CIL procedure and information on the forms you’ll need to complete:

1. Will I need to pay CIL?

Depending on its size, you may need to pay a CIL contribution for a development, even if you don’t need planning permission (general permitted development). If you intend to begin a general permitted development, you will need to send us a CIL Form 5 – Notice of Chargeable Development. For all other resident development, you will need to send us a completed Form 1 – Additional Information.

All the forms you may need to complete are available on the Planning Portal.

2. Assume Liability 

If you are the person responsible for paying CIL, you must send us an Assumption of Liability Notice – CIL FORM 2. If you don’t do this, you may face extra charges.

If no-one assumes liability to pay the levy before development begins, the landowners will have to pay it and they will not be able to benefit from any instalment or payment plan.

If after you’ve submitted the CIL Form 2, there is a change in circumstance that affects the liable person/party, you will then need to submit CIL Form 3 to withdraw liability and CIL Form 4 to transfer liability before the final CIL payment is due.

3. Claim relief

If you believe a development should be exempt from CIL and want to claim for a Social Housing, Self-Build or Charitable Relief, please take a look at the relief guidance on the Planning Portal website.

4. How we work out CIL

To calculate CIL we take the gross internal area of the floorspace of all CIL liable buildings within the development and multiply this figure by the charge for that type of use.  For the full information on how we calculate CIL, download our FAQ leaflet.

You can also view the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Code of Measuring Practice for more information.

5. Commencement Notice

Before you start building work on a CIL liable development you must send us a Commencement Notice (CIL Form 6), including the date that you plan to start working on the development.  To find out what is defined as commencement, please read our FAQ leaflet.

6. Demand Notice

After we receive a valid Commencement Notice we will send you a Demand Notice for CIL payment.  This details the amount you’ll need to pay, your payment options and the payment dates.  For more information, please see our CIL charging schedule and register page.

7. Sending in your forms

You will need to send us your completed forms by email or post to the Community Infrastructure team.  If you do not receive confirmation within one week, please get in touch on the number below. If you send a form by post, please send it either via a receipt or recorded delivery.

Other useful information

What happens if you miss a payment?

If you don’t pay on time, we will add interest and may charge you a penalty. If the CIL procedure is not followed correctly you may also lose your rights to pay CIL in instalments, lose your exemption and further surcharges may apply. For more information on what happens if payment is not made, please read our FAQ leaflet.


If you think you are being charged the wrong amount of CIL you can appeal. Please read our FAQ leaflet.

Contact us - Community infrastructure

01235 422600
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE