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Public health funerals

Help with funeral costs

If you need help with the cost of a funeral that you are arranging, you might be eligible to qualify for a Funeral Expenses Payment.

Further information and a claims form are available from the government website (see external links).

Public Health Funeral

Where no funeral arrangements have been made (i.e. no will or funeral plan), or are being made for a person who has died (i.e. no next of kin), we have a duty to arrange the funeral under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.

This will be a very basic, private funeral to minimise the cost to the public purse/tax payers (i.e. no memorial service, flowers, prayers, hymns, memorials, or headstones). Our Public Health Funerals Policy sets out how the council deals with these arrangements.

Public Health Burials information

Updated as soon as possible after a funeral, you can read and download the basic details of all public health burials arranged by us in the last seven years.

In this report, we do not disclose some details relating to the deceased person, such as their last known address or value of the estate, because this is exempt under Section 31 (1) (a) (law Enforcement – the prevention or detection of crime).

Contact us - Environmental Protection

01235 422403
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Environmental Protection Team
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE