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Reduction for disabilities scheme

If your home includes features which are important to the well-being of a resident who is disabled, you may qualify for a reduction in your council tax.

Such features include:

·        a room provided to meet the special needs of the disabled person (e.g. for storing dialysis equipment)

·        an extra bathroom or kitchen provided for the person with the disability

·        extra space created inside the dwelling to allow for the use of a wheelchair.

This relief tries to ensure that disabled people are not disadvantaged by having to pay more tax because of extra space needed.

Please note that the use of a private garage for a motor vehicle used by the disabled person is not one of the circumstances which qualifies for a reduction.

If your home is eligible, your bill will be reduced to that of a property in the valuation band immediately below your current one – for example, if your home is in Band C, your council tax bill will be reduced to the equivalent of a Band B dwelling. This will not however, affect the value of your home or its banding in the Valuation List.

If your home is in Band A, you may still qualify for a reduction if you satisfy the criteria. The reduction will be 1/9th of a Band D property.

Please contact our Council Tax team using the details below if you would like a paper copy of the application form.

Appeal a decision

If you disagree with the our decision, please email our Council Tax team using the details below, explaining what you object to and why.

More information

For more details about valuation bands please see How much is my council tax.

Important – tell us about a change of circumstances

If you receive a discount or exemption, but experience a change in circumstances that may affect your entitlement, then you must let our council tax team know immediately – please complete our change of circumstances form.


  • If you inform another council department, such as the elections team, rather than the council tax team, then this information cannot lawfully be shared with us and your change of circumstances will not dealt with.
  • Telling the DWP, Pension Service or HM Revenue & Customs of a change does not mean that we will be notified of the change. You must tell us directly.

Failure to provide this information to us within 21 days is a criminal offence and could lead to prosecution or a financial penalty being imposed.

Contact us - Council tax

0345 302 2315
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
PO Box 882