Housing reports
Each report title takes you to the webpage where this information is published. Please email performance@southandvale.gov.uk if you cannot find what you are looking for.
Authority Monitoring Report – an update on the progress being made towards Local Development Framework production.
Count of Traveller caravans (external link) – we submit data to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities on the count of traveller caravans in our district.
Five year housing land supply statement – this statement provides an assessment of deliverable land within the district and the council’s five-year housing land supply position.
Home Energy Conservation Act (HECA) Report – under HECA we must report on the measures we take to improve local residential energy efficiency every two years.
Homelessness Case Level Collection (H-CLIC) data returns (external link) – under the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government collect data from us and publish quarterly national reports.
Housing and economic land availability assessment 2017 – this report sets out an audit of land within the district which may have been available for housing or economic development.
Housing delivery test (external link) – this report is published by central government, local planning authorities submit their number of homes delivered against homes required.
Local authority housing statistics data returns for 2020 to 2021 (external link) – we provide data to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on all our housing statistics.
Rough sleeping snapshot in England Autumn 2021 (external link)– we provide statistics to the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and they publish this report each autumn (2022 statistics will be published February 2023).
Support for people sleeping rough in England, September 2022 (external link) – we provide data to the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities who publishes this quarterly report that gives a fuller picture of the dynamic and seasonal nature of rough sleeping and illustrates the work done by local authorities to provide a pathway off the streets and into long-term accomodation.