Planning and development reports
Each report title takes you to the webpage where this information is published. Please email performance@southandvale.gov.uk if you cannot find what you are looking for.
Authority Monitoring Report – an update on the progress being made towards Local Development Framework production.
Brownfield land register – we hold a register of brownfield land with planning permission for development and sites that may be considered appropriate for development.
Didcot Garden Town Annual Report – an annual report on the development of housing, economic growth, funding, and resources to support various Didcot Garden Town projects.
Five year housing land supply statement – this statement provides an assessment of deliverable land within the district and the council’s five-year housing land supply position.
Housing and economic land availability assessment 2017 – this report sets out an audit of land within the district which may have been available for housing or economic development.
Housing delivery test (external link) – this report is published by central government, local planning authorities submit their number of homes delivered against homes required.
Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: April to June 2022 (external link) – we provide data to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities who publishes national statistics on building control reported estimates of housing supply in England.
National Statistics planning applications in England: April to June 2022 (external link) – we provide data to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities who publishes national statistics about the number of planning application made and permissions granted in England.
Planning appeals register – you can view existing planning appeals via our online planning appeals register.
Planning decisions register – you can view specific planning decisions via our online planning decisions register.
Planning enforcement register – you can view our enforcement notices register for any formal enforcement action taken by the council.
Screening opinion register – we are required to hold a register of screening opinions for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) developments.
Successfully nominated assets of community value – we are required to maintain a list of assets successfully nominated by community groups.
Telecommunications register – we hold a register of telecommunications applications received and determined by the council.
Tree preservation order applications and conservation area tree works notices – you can view applications submitted for intended works to protected trees and subsequent decisions issued by the council on these applications.
Unsuccessfully nominated assets of community value – we are required to maintain a list of assets unsuccessfully nominated by community groups.