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About Approved Food Establishments

Premises that handle products of animal origin and supply other businesses need approval from either the Food Standards Agency or from ourselves, depending on the nature of the products handled.

Establishments approved by the Food Standards Agency

The following establishments require veterinary control and are approved by the Food Standards Agency:

  • slaughterhouses
  • cutting plants
  • game handling establishments
  • wholesale meat markets

Please visit the Food Standards Agency website for details on how to apply for the approval of a slaughterhouse, cutting plant and game handling establishment.

Establishments approved by us include:

Meat establishments

  • cold stores that are re-wrapping and re-packaging meat
  • minced meat establishments
  • meat preparations establishments
  • mechanically separated meat establishments
  • meat products processing plants
  • rendered animal fats and greaves processing plants
  • treated stomachs, bladders and intestines processing plants 
  • gelatine processing plants
  • collagen processing plants

Fish and shellfish establishments

  • live bivalve molluscs (LBMs) establishments including dispatch centres and purification centres
  • establishments working with fishery products using factory and freezing vessels, processing plants, fresh fishery products, auction halls, wholesale markets

Animal produce establishments

  • raw milk and dairy products
  • eggs and egg products, including packing centres, processing plants, liquid egg plants

How is approval different from registration?

Food premises that require approval must meet additional requirements above those food premises which require registration, as they usually involve more high-risk operations. If your food premises requires approval, you will need to meet the hygiene standards set out in the following regulations:

Exemptions to approval

Some premises may be exempt from approval depending on the nature of the business.

You do not need to be approved if you only sell direct to the public.

If you sell direct to the public and to other businesses such as retailers like caterers, pubs and restaurants, you may not require approval if:

  • food sold to businesses is less than 25% of your trade and,
  • you do not handle any wild game meat products and,
  • you do not sell food to businesses outside of Oxfordshire

I am unsure if I need approval or not?

If you are unsure if your business requires approval or registration, please contact us so we can discuss your business plan directly with you.

How do I apply for for approval?

For all you need to know, please visit our Apply for a Food Establishment Approval page.

Contact us

If you have any questions or queries please contact us using our online query form.

Contact us - Food and Workplace Safety

01235 422403
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Food and Workplace Safety Team
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE