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Food Business Registration

Who needs to register?

Registration is free and applies to most types of food establishments, including restaurants, cafes, hotels, shops, canteens, charitable organisations that serve food and market stalls, as well as temporary premises such as mobile and event catering.

If you have more than one establishment, you will need to register each one individually.

If your business is a mobile food van, you must register at the address where the van is stored overnight.

Exemptions to registration

Certain types of food activity do not need to register, for example;

  • infrequent activities, such as one-off events
  • if you make foods for your friends and family
  • places where the main activity is not to do with food. For example, hairdressers providing tea and biscuits
  • direct sale by the producer of small quantities of primary products to the final consumer, such as eggs/vegetables/fruit/honey

When should I register?

It is a legal requirement for businesses to register at least 28 days before trading however, please try not to register unless you are ready to start trading within 2 months

How do I register?

Registration is free of charge, to register a food establishment, please complete the online registration form below

What happens after I register?

You will receive a copy of your application form via email and an officer will contact you within 14 days to provide advice and guidance on running a food business, as well as be available to answer any questions you may have.

Shortly after you have started trading an unannounced inspection will take place. If you operate from a domestic premises the inspection will be arranged directly with you, usually at a time when you are handling or preparing food.

Following your inspection, you will be rated using the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme where you will receive a rating between 0-5. For more information, please visit our Food Hygiene Rating Scheme page.

Changing an existing food establishment?

If you have started to expand or adapt your food business since registering, you need to tell us about any significant changes to your activities or any closure of an existing establishment. You can tell us by getting in touch via the details in the contact us box.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or queries please contact us using our online query form.