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Food Sampling

Sampling is a routine part of our work. We carry out a range of food and environmental samples every year and on average we take around 100 samples from across the district.

Sampling carried out is usually as part of a regional or national sampling programme to aid further investigation of safety risk of certain products or it is used as part of more detailed premises investigations or routine validation checks. It also proves to be an effective method of promoting food safety and can highlight problems, which, if not identified and resolved, may result in serious food poisoning outbreaks.

Recent samples we have taken include:

  • Sandwich fillings
  • Sushi
  • Vegan products
  • Pork scratchings
  • General hygiene checks including swabbing of food equipment and surfaces
  • Ready to eat smoked fish

These samples are taken to a UKHSA, (UK Health Security Agency) laboratory where they are analysed for a range of hygiene indicator organisms and pathogens.

Depending on the results received, we will carry out suitable follow up interventions, this can include education and advice, formal enforcement and resampling.

Contact us

If you have any questions or queries please contact us using our online query form.

Contact us - Food and Workplace Safety

01235 422403
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Food and Workplace Safety Team
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE