How to book our litter picking service
If you are planning to use our service, please let us know when and where you will be working. We will pick up branded litter bags from litter picks that have been pre-arranged with us – even if you’re litter picking alone.
Equipment we lend
We can help by providing groups and individuals with a loan of the following equipment:
- Adult and child sized litter pickers
- Adult and child sized high visibility jackets
- Branded coloured bags for general litter
- Branded clear bags for recyclable litter
- Litter picking hoops (group bookings only)
Everyone who wishes to make a litter picking booking should thoroughly read our health and safety document before returning the declaration form.
Types of community litter picking
There are two options for community litter picks depending on group size and how often you will be litter picking.
Group litter picks or one-off events
If you are planning a group litter pick or a one-off event you can borrow our equipment for the event. To use our equipment we ask that the organiser completes our litter picking booking form and declaration form below. Once completed please return both forms by email to waste.team@southandvale.gov.uk. Ideally at least two weeks before your preferred date.
We will then confirm your booking and organise the delivery and collection of equipment and litter bags.
If you have your own litter pickers but would like to use our branded bags and arrange collection of litter after the pick please complete the relevant forms below.
Individual long-term loans
Individuals who regularly litter pick can borrow our equipment on a long-term basis. Please note that litter picking hoops are not available on long-term loan. To do so simply complete the litter picking booking and declaration form below. Once completed please return both forms by email to : waste.team@southandvale.gov.uk. Ideally two weeks before the date you would like equipment delivered by.
Once registered you can then email the waste team using the contact details at the bottom of this page, giving us the location of where you will leave the litter bags. We will then arrange collection through Biffa.
If you have your own litter pickers and would like to use our branded bags and arrange collection of litter after the pick please complete the relevant forms below.
Click here to download the litter picking declaration form
Click here to download the litter picking equipment booking form
Click here to view the health and safety guidance document
NOTE – If you collect litter on your daily walk and pick up a carrier bag’s worth then please put your carrier bag in a litter bin if you pass one that is empty or take it home and put it in your wheelie bins as long as it fits in. Please remember we do not take side waste with your refuse bin so it must fit inside your bin.
Contact us - Waste team
01235 422146
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)