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  • We are currently experiencing issues with our phone lines. We hope to have this issue resolved as soon as possible and we apologise for any inconvenience. You can also email −

Dog fouling

Reporting the issue

If you see a dog owner allowing their dog to foul and not picking it up please note down as many details as you can that might help us to identify them. We require the following information to commence an investigation:

  • date and time of incident
  • location of incident
  • description of person in charge of the dog
  • description of the dog
  • name and/or address of person in charge of the dog

We will need a written statement from you for our investigation that could lead to a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued. The current fine is £50. If a person refuses to pay they can be taken to the local Magistrates Court for the dog fouling offence and fined up to £1,000.

If you have witnessed an incident you can report it here.

For dog owners

To avoid getting a fine, here some tips:

  • never let your dog walk far from you as this makes it difficult to see when they foul
  • always carry a bag when walking your dog so you can clean up. If you do not have a bag ask another dog walker if they have a spare
  • encourage your dog to stay on the perimeters of fields or pitches to prevent any fouling causing harm to other people
  • NB – You will be breaking the law if your dog is not wearing a collar and ID tag and is not microchipped.

Report dog faeces on the pavement

You can report excessive amounts of dog faeces on the pavement by contacting our contractor, Biffa, on 03000 610610 or They will arrange for the faeces to be cleaned up.

We are only responsible for clearing the public highway and other relevant land. Landowners are responsible for their own property. You can check if the location is classified as public highway by viewing the Oxfordshire County Council Highways Register.

Dog Bins

We are currently undertaking a survey of our existing litter and dog bins and are not installing any new bins at this time.

Please read the information on installing dog waste bins document before requesting a new bin. To request a bin please complete the dog waste bin request form and return it to the waste team by emailing or by post. The request will then be added to our database to be surveyed to assess for possible future installations.

Dog walkers can use the existing litter bins or their own grey refuse wheeled bin to dispose of bagged dog waste.

Overflowing dog bins

If you spot a damaged or overflowing dog mess bin, please let us know by completing an overflowing bin report or by contacting our contractor, Biffa, on 03000 610610 or . We can arrange for it to be emptied by ourselves or your local town or parish council.

Contact us - Envirocrime

01235 422146
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)