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Housing for older people

As we get older, we need to consider different options on where to live.

Sheltered housing

This is where you live independently in a bungalow or flat but have added security and support available.

You must be registered on the housing register and be over 55 years old to apply for sheltered housing. 

These properties are owned by our housing association partners and vacancies are advertised through our Homechoice website.

Our housing team will talk you through the process in more detail and help you consider the best options. 

Retirement homes

If you are not eligible to register on the housing register or have adequate savings, you may need to consider buying or renting your own retirement home.  Information on what to do is available at Age UK – an independent charity that provides useful advice for older people and Care Home UK – a review website for all UK care homes. 

Contact us - Housing lettings

01235 422436
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)