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Vary a premises licence

You need to apply to vary your premises licence if you wish to:

  • extend the hours for existing licensable activities
  • add extra licensable activities
  • remove conditions.

If you only wish to make a small change you may be able to apply for a minor variation.

It is advised that you submit a draft copy of your application to the licensing team before making a formal application.

How to apply to vary a licence

Firstly, please read our Statement of Licensing Policy and our applicant and licence holder guidance.

Now complete an application to vary a premises licence.

If you are changing the plan, you will need to prepare a new plan in accordance with our applicant and licence holder guidance. You may also need to review your fire risk assessment.

Then check which fee band your premises falls within – please see ‘How much you need to pay’.

You can then submit the application form with any supporting documents through our Online Applications Portal using the relevant link (please take care to select the correct fee band for your premises):

Alternatively, please email the application to We will contact you by telephone to collect payment. Please note that the application is not complete until payment has been taken. 

For online/email applications, the premises licence can be returned by post (please ensure the premises keeps a copy of the licence at the site). 

If you do not have access to email, you can post your application form with the fee to to Licensing Team, Vale of White Horse District Council at the below address. Please remember if you decide to post in your application, you must also post a copy to each of the Responsible Authorities.

You must also advertise your application as required. See our applicant and licence holder guidance for more details on this.

Once we’ve validated your application form, responsible authorities and interested parties have a period of 28 days to make any representations.

If we don’t receive any representations, we aim to issue your licence within ten working days of the closing date.

If we receive valid representations, we will hold a hearing within 28 days after the closing date to determine the application.

For details on how we use data relating to licence holders and applicants, please see our privacy notice for licence holders and applicants.

Contact us - Licensing

01235 422556
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE