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Temporary event notices

If you’re organising an event and want to sell or supply alcohol, or provide entertainment such as music, dancing or film, but you don’t hold a premises licence or club premises certificate, then you may need to submit a Temporary Event Notice (TEN). TENs can also be used by licensed premises to change or extend their hours.

To find out whether your event needs a TEN, and for details on the restrictions and limits which apply, please see GOV.UK. Alternatively please refer to this guidance document for more information on licensable activities. You can also find advice in our guide to organising an event.

For details on how we use data relating to licence holders and applicants, please see our privacy notice for licence holders and applicants.

How to submit a TEN

You should aim to submit your TEN with the fee of £21 at least ten clear working days before the event.

Alternatively, you can submit the temporary event notice form by email, ensuring you copy this to Thames Valley Police Licensing at and Environmental Protection at However the notice will not be deemed as valid until we have contacted you to take payment, so we do not recommend you email the form if it is close to the deadline.

Alternatively you can submit your TEN by post, enclosing a cheque for the fee of £21. Please take care to complete the temporary event notice form in full. Any incomplete or illegible forms will be rejected. You must also copy the application to Thames Valley Police at Licensing, Thames Valley Police, Headquarters (South), Kidlington, OX5 2NX and Environmental Protection at the address below.

What happens next

When we receive your temporary event notice, if the notice is valid we’ll send you an acknowledgement by the end of the next working day. You should retain a copy of the TEN for your own records.

If you submit your form online, we will pass it on to the Police and our Environmental Health team on your behalf.

If they object to your Temporary Event Notice, they’ll issue an objection notice within three working days. If this happens, we will arrange a hearing to decide if your notice should be approved.

If you submit your TEN less than ten working days before the event and an objection is received, we will send you a counter notice, meaning that you will not be allowed to go ahead with the event.

If the TEN is not valid (for example you have already reached one of the specified limits) then we will send you a counter notice, meaning that you will not be allowed to go ahead with the event.

We cannot amend a temporary event notice to move an event to a new date. You can however withdraw the TEN so that it does not count towards your totals for the year. Please email us at if you wish to do this, at least 24 hours before the start of the event. Please note that no refunds are payable in respect of invalid or withdrawn temporary event notices, or where we have served a counter notice.

Contact us - Licensing

01235 422556
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE