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View and comment on applications for new licences and variations

To view new licence applications and requests to vary existing licences, please visit our

If you want more details than are available in the online public register, such as the plan of the premises or a redacted copy of the application form, please contact us at the email address below and the case officer will contact you directly.

Please note that you cannot submit comments through the online public register. Any representations should be sent to us in writing, ideally to the email address below. Please include your name, address and a contact telephone number.

If you intend to comment on an application, please see this guidance on making representations.

What happens to my comments?

In the interests of fairness, your name and address will be disclosed to the applicant and included in the report to our Licensing Panel, which is a public document.

If you do not wish for your name and address to appear in the report, please contact our Licensing Team. If, after speaking with our Licensing Team, you still wish to remove your name from the report, you will then need to email or write to us, under separate cover, to confirm your request and the reason why.

For details on how we use data relating to complainants and those making representations against a licence application, please see our privacy notice for complainants and objectors.

What happens next?

In some circumstances, we may try and arrange an informal mediation meeting with the applicants to try and resolve common areas of concern.

Once our Licensing Panel has been confirmed, we will write to you to let you know the arrangements.

If you wish to speak at the meeting, or you want to give more information to the Committee, you must let us know at least five working days before it takes place.

All parties will have the opportunity of putting their case to the Licensing Panel at the hearing. They can also ask each other questions.

How will the Licensing Panel decide?

The Licensing Panel makes its decisions based on the Licensing Act, the statutory guidance issued to us by the Secretary of State, our licensing policy, and the four licensing objectives:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder;
  • public safety;
  • the prevention of public nuisance; and
  • the protection of children from harm.

The Panel can decide to grant the licence; grant the licence subject to certain conditions, or to refuse the licence.

We will write to you to confirm their decision.


If you disagree with the Panel’s decision you will have 21 days in which to appeal to the magistrates’ court.

If you choose to submit an appeal you may be required to give evidence in court.

Contact us - Licensing

01235 422556
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE