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Temporary road closures

The District Council processes applications for temporary road closures due to social events and street parties only. If you have an enquiry that relates to a road closure which does not fall into one of these categories, or if for example you would like to know why, or how long a road has been closed, please take a look at the One Network website to find details of the closure and/or contact the Highways Authority at Oxfordshire County Council 

There are different application forms and guidance depending on the type of event being planned.

Street Party Application Form

Social Event Application Form

You will need to carry out a risk assessment. If you don’t have a risk assessment form, you can download and complete our Risk Assessment template.

Email the completed form and/or any queries to Please get your application forms in as soon as possible and at least 28 days before the event.

What happens when we receive your application form?

We will acknowledge your application request when we’ve received it and start a consultation with other organisations such as Thames Valley Police and Oxfordshire County Council.

Once the consultation period has finished (and there are no objections) we will be able to make the legal order to allow your temporary road closure and will send you a copy.  We will also add it onto this page.

If any objections are made, we will contact the person named on the application form, so that any issues are discussed and hopefully resolved.  

What do I do if I want to sell food or alcohol and have live music?

If you’d like to include musical entertainment or the sale of food or drink at your event your will need a separate approval and licence, there’s more information on our temporary event notice page.

Once you’ve completed the application form and have read all the conditions and the necessary paperwork, please send by email or post it to the contact details below.

How much notice do I need to give?

We must receive your application form and associated documents at least 28 days before the date of the planned event. It may not be possible to process late applications.

If you know you’re going to hold an event later in the year you can submit your application earlier than the deadline – you don’t have to wait until nearer the time!

Holding a sporting event or planning to do some roadworks?

You will need to contact Oxfordshire County Council for these events.

Please note that your event should comply with the Government Covid-19 legislation and guidance in place at the time of your event. The guidance can be found using the link below:

Planned road closures

Please contact if you would like to know about any planned road closures relating to social events.