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Canvass 2023 – your household details

During September, your household will receive a letter requiring you to check the voter registration details of everyone living there over the age of 16.

We need to send this letter to all homes every year to ensure the electoral register is up to date.  

What you need to do:

If your household receives a yellow letter (CCB):

Once you have checked the details, please visit to either confirm that everything is correct, or to update the information for your property.  You will need the two-part security code on the letter to do this.  

Please note that the deadline to respond to yellow letters has been changed to 13 September due to posting delays.

If we have not received a response from your property by 13 September you will be sent a pink reminder form (CF). If we do not receive a response to the reminder form by 6 October, our canvassers will be sent out to visit your property in-person to try and obtain a reply on the doorstep or contact you by phone.

If your household receives a green letter (CCA):

  • if the details are correct – you don’t need to do anything, you can simply keep the letter for your records or shred it and put it in your recycling bin. 
  • if the information is not correct – please visit to update the details for your property, you will need the two-part code on the letter to do this.  

In either case, the letter will explain exactly what you need to do – it is very important that you read it carefully. 

If you are required to either confirm or update your details, please do so as quickly as possible – this helps to ensure that we won’t need to contact you again to confirm the information.

Please remember – to vote at a polling station in any upcoming election or referendum you will need to have an accepted form of photo ID.  To check you have the correct ID or to apply for a free voter ID document, known as a Voter Authority Certificate, visit the Electoral Commission Voter ID website.