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Street names, street signs and house numbers

Street name plates

Street name plates assist visitors, deliveries and the emergency services.  So it’s important that street name plates are in good condition.  If you see a street name plate that is damaged or missing, please let us know by clicking on the link below to access the online form:

Report a damaged or missing name plate online

To see the progress of any street name plate, please use the link below

 Street Name Plate works progress

New developments

If you are building a new property, or developing a site, please send us a location plan and site layout. We will then allocate street numbers to the properties and advise Royal Mail, Ordnance Survey, council tax and emergency services.

Please note that there is a consultation process when naming new roads and this can take two to three months.

Please read our naming and numbering policy and charges document (below) for more details before proceeding further with application forms.

House Names

Where a house has a street number and a house name the name is most likely an alias name.  An alias name is an additional identifier of the house but is not part of the official address.  Only the street number, street name, locality and/or post town and post code are the official parts. Where a house has a name only the name is the official part of the address.  The street name or number should always be displayed in a position that’s legible from the street. 

If you wish to add an alias name to an existing numbered property address please contact Royal Mail.

New and existing addresses not already held by Royal Mail

Click on the following link to: Change your existing house name

To request a house name search please email us using the contact details below.

Contact us - Street naming and numbering

01235 422344
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)