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About conservation areas

Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest which have a specific character or appearance which enhances the local area.  By designating a conservation area it means these features are better preserved and helps to ensures it will continue its valuable contribution to the wider district

There are 52 designated conservation areas across the Vale of White Horse – you can view these on our conservation and listed buildings map.

As a local authority, we have a duty to designate conservation areas, review area boundaries and carry out conservation area appraisals to provide clarity on the special interest of such areas. When we carry out a boundary review or area appraisal we will ask the local community for their views.

If you have recently been notified that your property is now within a conservation area you can find out more detailed information on how this affects you on our “What happens when we designate a conservation area” page.

Contact us - Planning

01235 422600
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE