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Do I need building control?

Looking to extend or make improvements to your home or maybe you’re considering building your own property?

Planning permission is about how a building looks and how it affects others, building regulations make sure all construction work is structurally sound, safe, energy efficient and offers a healthy environment. You will need to ensure that your proposed building works comply with The Building Regulations as a statutory requirement, separate from planning. Here at Southvale Building Control we can approve your plans and provide site inspections and issue you with a final building completion certificate. Watch our LABC video explaining Building Control.

We are also here to help lead you through this process to ensure that your building is compliant with Building Regulations and to protect your interests. You can only ensure this if your building control provider, such as Southvale is independent. Our surveyors will give you impartial advice, and because we’re a not-for-profit organisation we only charge you the cost of delivering that service on your project. Our surveyors are local people who know your location, the ground and the building history. They’ll work with your designer and contractor helping them to save you time and money and give you peace of mind. We make it easy for you to move quickly and easily through the building regulations process to realise your project.

To check whether your project requires building control approval check call us on 01235 422700 and we will be happy to assist you.

Types of Application                    

Building Control Approval with Full Plans – Suitable for all work.  Submit application form, plans and fee payment. Submitted plans (detailed drawings, specifications and in some cases structural design calculations) are checked for compliance with Building Regulations, giving you peace of mind as you will be working to approved drawings. All non-domestic work must be covered by a Full Plans application.

Building Notice Application – Suitable for all small domestic works providing you are not building over or within 3m of a public sewer or building a new dwelling which fronts onto a private road. If you are in any doubt, please contact your local water authority for further clarification. Builders must be fully conversant with Building Regulations and note that plans are not formally checked. Therefore, if non-compliant work becomes apparent once work is being carried out this could necessitate remedial works.

Whichever application type is submitted, work will be checked on site at various stages. Upon completion of works, a certificate is issued which will be needed when the property is sold.

Regularisation Application – used for applying for retrospective Building Regulations approval without a previous application. Only works commenced since 11 November 1985 can be regularised.

Useful information:

LABC Front Door – Check out advice on home improvements, building regulations, contracts, working with builders and designers, planning permission and much more.

Manual to the Building Regulations

What is Building Control?

Local Authority Building Control

Booking an inspection

Alterations to layout or structure of your home

Do I need Building Regulations for my Extension?

Case Study of an Extension

We didn’t get permission for our building work

Conservatories Basic Rules

Contact us - Building control

01235 422700
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE