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Loft conversions and structural alterations, such as the removal of a chimney breast or an internal wall are common alterations that require Building Regulations approval. Such alterations are sometimes overlooked when it comes to building control, but the local authority do need to be notified, and the relevant approvals must be applied for.

We help ensure Building Regulations standards are met on building works, including common alterations, to protect peoples safety, health and welfare. This is really important to make sure that your home or premises are structurally sound, have adequate fire precautions, are energy efficient and are accessible for everyone.

Where unauthorised work has been carried out, with no notice given or plans submitted, an application can be made to Building Control for a Regularisation Certificate. This can only be applied for:

  • where works were carried out after 11 November 1985
  • the works can be shown to comply with the requirement of the regulations in operation at the time of construction

Regularisation applications can be made for both domestic and non-domestic works. However, we wouldn’t recommend this route. The building work may not comply with regulations, and you could be living or working in an unsafe building. To save yourself time and possible extra expense we would always advise seeking Building Regulations approval.

What’s needed for a Regularisation application?

  • A plan of the works that have been done and how the layout was before the works
  • Additional plans or details showing how you will bring the works up to the building regulation standards in force at the time if required
  • A fee will be required. Please contact us for further details

What happens next?

Upon receipt of your application, we will issue an acknowledgement letter and then contact you to arrange a site visit. 

Please note: The Local Authority has the right to refuse such an application and only when the Council is totally satisfied that the works meet with the regulations will the certificate be issued. There is no right of appeal (or refund of fees) should this Certificate be refused.

An application for regularisation will not prejudice the Council’s statutory power under Section 36 of the Building Act 1984 in respect of any enforcement action. 

Contact us - Building control

01235 422700
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE