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Local Plan 2031 – Part One Examination

Adoption of Local Plan 2031 Part 1: Strategic Sites and Policies

The Local Plan 2031 Part 1 was adopted by Full Council on Wednesday 14 December 2016. The adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1 and associated documentation can be viewed here. The documents are also available to view at local libraries within the district and at the council offices at Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE.

Inspector’s Report

The Council received the Inspector’s report on 30 November 2016. The report outlined the findings of the Inspector, Mr Malcolm Rivett, on his examination of the Local Plan 2031 Part 1 and concluded that, subject to a number of main modifications, the plan is ‘sound’.  

Schedule of Main Modifications

The Inspector invited comments on the proposed Main Modifications as part of the examination process for the Local Plan 2031 Part 1. The Proposed Main Modifications were identified by the Inspector as those necessary to make the Spatial Strategy and Strategic Policies contained within the Local Plan sound. 

The Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications consultation closed on 14 September 2016. The Council received a total of 178 comments from 70 individual consultees. The Inspector considered all representations to the Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications consultation before publishing his final report.

Additional Modifications and Strikethrough Plan

The Council also published a Schedule of Additional Modifications comprising changes of a minor nature to update the Plan, correct any errors and to provide additional clarity when interpreting the Plan’s Strategic Policies. This document was not subject to public consultation but was purely published for additional information and clarity alongside the Proposed Main Modifications to the Local Plan 2031 Part 1.

The Council produced a strikethrough version of the Local Plan 2031 Part 1 to illustrate the Proposed Main Modifications and Additional Modifications. This did not form part of the consultation and was published purely to assist understanding;

Tracked Change” Version of the Local Plan 2013

Inspector’s Interim Findings

Matters and Questions and Programme

The Hearings took place in two stages.  Stage 1 considered the main strategic issues of the plan.  Stage 2 considered the soundness of all other matters relating to the plan.

Further details on the Inspector’s approach to the Examination can be found here:

Written Statements

Statements of Common Ground

Evidence Base Documents

To help us prepare the Local Plan we referred to a set of documents below known as our ‘Evidence Base’ for the Examination.

The Inspector

Planning Inspector; Mr Malcolm Rivett BA (Hons) MSc MRTPI was appointed to undertake an independent examination into the soundness of Vale of White Horse Local Plan. 

The Inspector’s task was to consider whether the Local Plan met the National Planning Policy Framework criteria to be considered “sound”.

The Inspector took account of the representations submitted upon the Local Plan Publication Version as far as they related to soundness considerations. A number of informal debates known as Hearing Sessions, took place on the principal matters identified by the Inspector.

After the Examination, the Inspector prepared a report with precise recommendations. The recommendations included modifications to the Local Plan. 

The Programme Officer

The Programme Officer (Ian Kemp), an independent officer, acted as the contact for any person during the Examination and as the liaison between the Inspector, District Council and Representors. Now that the Inspector’s final report has been issued, the work of the Programme Office is complete and all matters relating to the Local Plan Part Two should be directed to the Planning Policy team.