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Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

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Vale of White Horse District Council formally adopted its revised Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on 1 October 2021. The SPD came into effect on 1 November 2021, alongside the Council’s adopted  Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule and has replaced the ‘Developer Contributions – Delivering Infrastructure to Support Development SPD, June 2017’.

The Adoption Statement and adopted SPD can be found below.

Adoption Statement

Developer Contributions SPD – November 2021

Background to the 2020/21 Review

The council can use planning obligations (also known as Section 106 Agreements) to secure developer contributions towards infrastructure, which can be financial contributions, affordable housing, the provision of land or restriction of use of land or the direct delivery of facilities. The purpose of planning obligations is to mitigate the direct impact of specific developments and to meet planning policy requirements.

We undertook a review of our Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) in 2020/21, following adoption of Part 2 of the Local Plan 2031 (which included new site allocations and additional infrastructure requirements) and to take into account changes to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations in 2019.

The procedure for preparing and adopting supplementary planning documents must be carried out in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. Public consultation on our revised Draft Developer Contributions SPD (carried out in accordance with Regulation 13) ended on 8 February 2021. The Draft Developer Contributions SPD consulted upon can be accessed below:

Draft Developer Contributions SPD (Jan 2021)

Modifications to the Draft SPD following public consultation

The draft SPD did not require independent examination. However, Regulation 12 requires the council to prepare a statement setting out: who was consulted in the document’s preparation; a summary of the main issues raised by respondents; and how those issues have been addressed.

Our Consultation Statement addresses these requirements.

Adoption of our Developer Contributions SPD

A revised version of our Developer Contributions SPD was formally adopted by the Council on 1 October 2021. The SPD came into effect on 1 November 2021, alongside the Council’s adopted  Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule and has replaced the ‘Developer Contributions – Delivering Infrastructure to Support Development SPD, June 2017’.

Copies of the SPD and Adoption Statement have been placed at the District Council offices on Milton Park.

Sharing your personal details

The Consultation Statement includes a summary of every comment submitted by individuals, businesses and/or organisations on the draft Developer Contributions SPD, alongside their name. No other contact details have been published.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further information on how we collect, use and share the data we collect through our planning consultations, available here. If you would like to know more about the council’s data protection registration or to find out about your personal data, please visit

Any queries?

If you have any questions regarding the Developer Contributions SPD, please contact the Planning Policy Team on 01235 422600 or email

Contact us - Planning policy

01235 422600
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE