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Garden waste scheme changes

We are making changes to the way the garden waste subscription works.

From 1 April 2025 we will be introducing a permit scheme which will change the way that you pay for your garden waste collection.  This also means that your payment date will change.

From 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025, we will have transition arrangements in place which mean that when we take your direct debit payment, we will only take payment for the period  between your current renewal date and 31 March 2025 when the new permit scheme starts.

There will be benefits for customers. It will make it easier for you to keep control of your payments – for example if your bank details change. If you sign up for an online account with us you will have easy access to change your contact details, so that we can contact you easily if we experience problems with the service or need to let you know about any changes.

We will send more information on the changeover, what to expect, and what you need to do if you wish to continue to receive the service from 2025 onwards with your next invoice. If you receive your invoice by email please also remember to check your junk mail for further communication from us on this change. When we move to the new permit system we will no longer collect bins that do not display the year’s permit sticker. After fair warning, if you continue to present your bin without displaying a sticker it may be removed.

The following FAQ includes information on what changes to expect:

I currently subscribe by direct debit. What changes will happen in April 2024?

From 1 April 2024 you will notice a change to your garden waste direct debit payment and terms & conditions. This is in preparation for the new payment arrangements we are introducing in 2025.  

Previously, your direct debit date ran from the day you joined the scheme. We are now looking to standardise the date of this payment, so from 1 April 2025 all customers renewals will be on the same day.

What if I signed up before or after April?

If your payment originally started during a month other than April, don’t worry – you won’t lose out – we will reduce your payment. This means that your direct debit payment in 2024 will be reduced to reflect the period you have left until the change on 1 April 2025.

What do I need to do now?

You don’t need to do anything until early 2025.  We will write to you let you know what you need to do nearer the time.

Will the overall cost of the service be the same this year?

Every year we review our charge for the garden waste collection service. As this is an opt-in service, we need to make sure the amount we charge covers the cost of running the service. This year the cost of the scheme is rising from £60 per year to £65 per year.  This is because the costs of collecting your garden waste have increased.

Will I continue to pay by direct debit from April 2025?

No, after 1 April 2025 you will no longer be able to pay by direct debit.

What will the alternative be to my direct debit payments?

From 1 April 2025 we are introducing a new garden waste permit system. From this date, you will need to make a one-off yearly payment online for your garden waste collections and we will send you a permit sticker for your bin.

If I join mid-year what price do I pay?

We encourage residents, where possible, to buy their permit before 1 April, so that they can take full advantage of the service from 1 April as the new growing season comes along. For those customers who join between 1 April and 30 September you will need to pay the full fee.  For those joining between 1 October 2024 and 31 March 2025 there is a reduced fee.

How will this change benefit me?

There are a number of ways the new system will benefit you as a customer:

  • It will be less confusing, especially for customers who have more than one garden waste bin and potentially several payment dates under the current scheme.
  • It will make it easier for you to keep control of your payments for example if your bank details change as you won’t need to let us know.
  • If you sign up for an online account with us you will have easy access to change your contact details, so that we can contact you easily if we need to get in touch for any reason.

What is a garden waste permit?

A garden waste permit is a sticker that you need to stick onto your brown bin before 1 April 2025.  This identifies to the waste crews that you have paid for that year, and they can empty your bin.  We will send you a sticker for each bin that you have paid for, along with instructions on how to stick this onto your bin.  The colour of the sticker will relate to the year that you have paid for, so will change each year.  It will have your address on it so that the crews know it is your bin.

What are the wider benefits?

Because the permit we send you will identify clearly that you have paid for the service it will be easier to identify those people who haven’t paid and make sure we don’t collect their garden waste.  This helps us only make collections where the service has been paid for.

What is an online account?

You will have the opportunity to set up an online account called ‘MyAccount’ using your email address, and you can use this account to pay for and manage your permit. This will also mean an improved service for customers – making it easier for us to let you know about any changes or disruptions to the service, for example where bad weather affects a collection, and for you to report issues with your collections.

Do I have to set up an online account?

No, you don’t have to set up an online account, but we encourage you to as it’s the easiest way for you to manage your permit payment and for us to keep you informed by email of any service disruptions during the year.

What if I don’t have an email or access online – can I still buy a permit?

Yes, we will provide support to any residents who need help to buy their permit. You can call our customer service centre on 01235 422600 for support.

What happens if I move within the district?

If you move within the district, you will not be able to take your bin or your permit with you as the bin is registered to the property and does not belong to you.

However, if the house you move into has an existing bin and permit, you can use this until the end of March. Then if you have an online account, we can send you an email when it’s time to buy next year’s permit.

What happens if I move out of the district

If you move out of the district the new residents will be able to use your permit until the end of March. Then they will need to set up an online account. Unfortunately we are unable to provide any refunds.

I’ve moved into the district what do I need to do to get a garden waste bin?

If the house you move into has an existing bin and permit, you can use this until it expires at the end of the subscription. If you set up an online account, we can send you an email when it’s time to buy next year’s permit. 

Will my collections change?

No, this change is only about the way that you pay for your garden waste service.  Collections will remain the same.  As long as you have stuck your permit sticker onto your bin we will collect your garden waste as usual. Bins without a sticker will not be collected. You can find out more about your collection days here.

What if my sticker goes missing?

Stickers are very robust and ‘tamper proof’ so it is virtually impossible to remove them. However if your sticker is unreadable or missing we can provide you with a replacement.

What if my bin is lost or needs replacing?

If you need to have a new bin for any reason, we can issue you with a replacement sticker.  In most cases this will be free of charge, except where you need to pay an admin charge for us to replace your bin because you have damaged the old one, in which case there will be a charge for a new sticker.

What if I want two or more bins?

You can order more than one garden waste bin for your property. You will need to pay for a permit for each bin.

I’m a sack customer what do I do?

If you have sacks because your property can’t accommodate a brown bin you will still need to make an online payment for the service each year, but we won’t send you a sticker.  This is because the sacks have the councils branding on them so the crews can easily identify that you have paid for the service.  Biffa will continue to deliver your sacks for the year to you as at present.