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Taxi fares

Private hire fares

The fare for private hire vehicle bookings should be agreed between the operator and passenger before the journey begins.

Hackney carriage fares

Hackney carriages are fitted with a meter, which shows the maximum fare payable at the end of your journey. Fares for journeys starting or ending outside of the district (or journeys entirely outside of the district) should be negotiated with the driver before the start of the journey. 

Hackney carriages must, unless they have good cause, accept any hiring within the district.

For details on the maximum fares payable for hackney carriage journeys within the Vale of White Horse district from 20 April 2024, please see the tariff card.

Have your say

In January 2024 we asked drivers and proprietors for their views on a revised maximum taxi tariff using the ‘Guildford model’, a nationally recognised method to calculate taxi tariffs. You can view the report on the results here and see information on how we used the model. The results were presented to Cabinet on 19 April and they agreed to set a new tariff which takes effect from 20 April 2024. The new tariff is available to view above. 

Contact us - Licensing

01235 422556
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE