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Vale of White Horse welcomes A34 Lodge Hill scheme funding announcement

Vale of White Horse District Council has welcomed the news today that Oxfordshire County Council’s A34 Lodge Hill Interchange scheme has been awarded £17.33 million of government funding from Homes England’s Brownfield, Infrastructure and Land (BIL) fund.

The Lodge Hill junction, located between Abingdon and Oxford, currently only has north-facing slips. The proposed scheme will offer shorter journey times by adding new south-facing slip roads to the A34, cycle and pedestrian safety improvements and layby upgrades.

Cllr Bethia Thomas, Leader of the Vale, said: “The improvements at Lodge Hill are vital for residents of Abingdon and we have been campaigning for them for many years. I am pleased that the funding announced today will enable Oxfordshire County Council to commence the delivery of this infrastructure, and that Homes England has recognised the importance of Lodge Hill for residents and those who travel through this area, as well as its crucial role in meeting the needs created by decades of development.”

Cllr Sue Caul, Cabinet Member for Affordable Housing, Infrastructure, Development and Governance, said: “Not only will this scheme make the A34 Interchange safer for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians, it supports the significant growth in housing we have seen in the area. Adding south bound slips will help ease traffic in central Abingdon, which suffers from congestion, help improve air quality, speed up journey times and encourage more active travel. We now look forward to further updates from Oxfordshire County Council on the timeline for construction to begin.”

Cllr Andy Foulsham, Abingdon Dunmore ward councillor, said: “We know the improvement at A34 Lodge Hill is incredibly important to local people. We wholeheartedly welcome the positive news of funding and look forward to Oxfordshire County Council’s delivery of the scheme. It is long overdue and will make a such a significant difference to traffic in and around Abingdon, as well as making the area safer for walking and cycling.”


More information about the A34 Lodge Hill Interchange scheme is available on Oxfordshire County Council’s website.

More information about the Homes England’s brownfield, infrastructure, land (BIL) fund can be found on the website